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Transforming Lives Through Pranic Healing

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Hello Beautiful Souls! I want to talk about Pranic Healing. More specifically more about what is Pranic Healing, how it can help you, the difference between Pranic Healing and Reiki, and how it can change people’s lives. So, Pranic Healing, what in the world is this? Well, Pranic Healing was created by Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui and it is a healing touch modality. This modality of healing is done by focusing on increasing the body’s ability to heal through Prana (also known as life force energy). When the body isn’t taken care of properly, the body's ability to absorb and use this prana correctly is weakened. This then creates physical problems in the body. A Pranic Healer then uses this healing modality to clear out any negativity or blockages that might be stopping the body to absorb prana to heal. This is because a balance of our etherical body will bring good physical health. So being able to absorb prana will bring a balance of one’s etherical body and good health. Pranic Healing can also be applied to different areas of one life as well. This includes mental health, relationships, prosperity, and more!

Much of Pranic Healing is done through healing patients of their ailments. These ailments can be physical or psychological but can vary. But other than healing physical and psychological ailments how else can it help someone? One of the major points of being a Pranic Healer is to live a healthy lifestyle. This healthy lifestyle is consisted of, meditation, becoming vegetarian (or giving up specific meats), donating, and so much more. Even though the healers do these things, it’s not uncommon that we have our patients do the same if they are willing to. This is so they can heal better and even get more out of the healing sessions. That’s what I love about Pranic Healing. It creates a way for the healer to help them heal outside of the sessions. The more someone is willing to heal and put in the work, the more healing they get out of a session. Then those who may not be willing to put in the work might not be wanting to put in the work will still see results but maybe not as rapid.

Now I was not a believer in energy healing as my experience with other forms wasn’t very successful for me. And over the past few years, my friend has been Pranic Healing and seen great success with it. I showed little to no interest in learning this method of healing as I was content with modern medicine. But one day I was drawn to just learning more, so I messaged him and he told me that I should just take a class. So I researched a little bit and didn’t find anything. My friend ended up then sending me a link to a class that was just two hours away. So I attended the class. The class was just a level 1 class and was taught by Kim Fantini. She was a great instructor and though the experiences I had during the class were amazing it didn’t convince me. So I sought out to work on others to see if it worked for first hand. I ended up working on a friend for his allergies and within 2 weeks his allergic reaction to dogs was so small. Then I worked on another person with her knees. She had a lot of pain and then after the first session, she hasn’t had pain since.

Later on though, during my studies, I attended an Advanced Pranic Healing class. I remember telling the classmate that I am sensitive to energy but for some reason, I don’t feel when someone is working on me. So I might not give her any type of reaction. She said okay and then continued to work on a protocol. After about 15 minutes into the protocol, I started to cry. I don’t know why I started to but as she kept going, I stopped crying and felt like heaviness on my chest was gone. Ever since that experience, my emotional issues haven’t come back. This wasn’t even Pranic psychotherapy and it helped on an emotional level than it did on a physical. Now I also had some digestion and that hasn’t come back since either. From those two sessions during the class and how I have seen this heal people, I became a full supporter and trusted in the teachings.

Now, what makes Pranic healing different from Reiki? Though both Reiki and Pranic Healing are very similar there are some key differences. Pranic Healing is completely a no-touch modality of healing. This means exactly how it sounds. Pranic healing is not allowed to touch the patient unless certified too. This certification does not come from Pranic Healing but things like massage therapy, nursing, etc… Another difference is that Reiki doesn’t often teach how to feel the aura or heal by scanning the energetic body and the chakras. Reiki uses more of an intuitive approach when healing. Pranic healers don’t do this as scanning allows the healer to measure and know what is going on and where it’s happening. Lastly, one of my favorite thing that makes Pranic Healing different from Reiki, is that Pranic Healing is a “cookbook” approach to healing. What this means is that the protocol on how to help someone's body heal is in the book and all one has to do is follow it. The reason is that the “cookbook” approach works is because Grandmaster Choa Kuk Sui discovered that every ailment has a set of energetic patterns that happen with the 11 Major Chakras. These are some of the key differences but also there is another one that is even more important which is certification.

The certification process of becoming a Certified Pranic Healer is a very different process than becoming a Reiki Master. To become a Reiki Master you need to take levels 1 and 2, as well as be able to know the symbols and then take the master class. Pranic Healing is not like that. To become Certified as a Pranic Healer, one must take classes, “MCKS Pranic Healing Level 1”, “Advanced Pranic Healing Level 2”, and “Pranic Psychotherapy Level 3.” Once finishing those classes a student then must take the associate level certification course which requires 25 cases of healings. These are 10 cases of basic healings, 10 cases of advanced healings, and 5 psychotherapy cases. These cases must be approved by your mentor and then you can continue to the course which goes more in-depth about the practices of Pranic Healing. Once you are done with the course you must pass the test to get your associate's certification. After your associate’s you can go onto the Certification. The certifications require many more healing cases, 3 more classes, competition of the course, and passing the tests. Then one can go on to take the Pranic psychotherapists certification and instructor certification. The reason why it’s more work is that a healer should be proficient, willing to put in the study and work for it, an understanding of Pranic Healing and its practices, but most importantly to best heal a patient. These are needed to be a Pranic Healer, a healer can just take level 1 up to three and heal others professionally, but those who dedicate themselves and are serious about Pranic Healing to do it professionally typically go on the path of certification.

One of my teachers Julie Pries was a graduate of St. Louis University in 1988 for Social Work and Family Therapy. But in 1955 Julie was drawn to take a class with Master Stephan Co and Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui. Julie then discovered this method of healing to be more rapid and effective in her practice. Julie then continued her studies with Pranic Healing and soon after Julie then became an Instructor. Julie now has a private practice and offers healing and teachings in the St. Louis area. To check out more about Julie and read more about her click HERE

Another amazing healer is Nathan Ferguson, he is a retired veteran of the United States Army, then became a deputy, and now a Pranic Healer/ Coach. His story is amazing and the struggles he faced are what make him an amazing healer. I reached out to Nathan as recommended by Julie and he was an amazing person to talk to! To learn all about his experiences and what drove him to Pranic Healing is delightful. Nathan is also in the St. Louis area and now specializes working with Veterans, Law enforcement, Military and more that work in these types of work fields. If you want to read all about Nathan's experiences and the quote that he sent me I suggest you check it out by clicking HERE

So when it comes to how can Pranic Healing help a patient, it comes down to healing the etherical body (which heals the physical body), giving the patient the tools to continue to be healthy and heal properly, as well as helping the patient live a much happier life. This is because Pranic Healing is more than just healing patients. It’s healing the community and bringing people the happiness that they need in life. I hope you enjoyed learning more about Pranic Healing and what it has to offer!

You can reach out to me at with any questions you may have. If you want to reach out to Julie her sight is- If you are interested in learning more about Nathan Ferguson you can reach him on Facebook at

If you want to experience Pranic Healing you can book a session here-

Many Blessings


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