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The Importance of Forgiveness and it's 7 Layers

Throughout my life one thing, I struggled with the most of forgiveness of others. I don’t know about you, but for those who have hurt me, I held the anger and resentment in. I later learned that this was unhealthy but the ways that I was taught how to forgive didn’t feel like they worked. I just kept moving on with my life not forgiving and holding everything in. At least until recently. See, in Pranic Healing it is taught that forgiveness is the key to living mentally and emotionally free. But to get to that point we must first learn how to forgive others and where we are at, with the 7 layers of Forgiveness. When I started this process, I learned how important it is to forgive and forget. Because if we don’t it can then hurt ourselves and even our next incarnations. But when we do use the techniques of forgiveness, we then continue to grow and live happily.

Now, what is happening when we don’t forgive and forget? Well, it burns us from the inside out. What I mean by this is that the emotions of anger and resentment will build up over time. During that time while it’s burning up, it takes a toll on our health. On the etherical level, it will start to affect our aura and chakras, causing them to act irregularly. This will then cause physical ailments such as high blood pressure, severe kidney ailments, and in severe cases, cancer. This is because when we are not able to forgive others, it’s like carrying a huge load on our backs that we take everywhere. Then that anger and resentment connect us to that person. Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui said “Anger and hatred bind people together! When you hate someone, it creates an “energy link” with the person. You become chained to the person and your soul becomes entangled with that person. If you want to be free, you must forgive people.” And this quote leads us to the 7 layers of forgiveness.

Layer 0

In this layer, the person is stuck living with their anger and resentment and is unable to forgive those who offended them. This can cause more suffering for them because this person is just reliving those emotions and events. Luckily to end this suffering, it only takes one person to forgive the other and move on with their lives.

Layer 1- The Moment of Death

At this layer, the soul brings in those who have offended them and those they’ve offended after death. The soul then forgives those who hurt them and asks for forgiveness from those they’ve hurt.

Layer 2- Forgiving After Years

Years in the soul's journey, the soul realizes that holding onto the lower emotions does nothing but hurt themselves. The soul then chooses to forgive and forget those who have hurt them so they can live happily.

Layer 3- Forgiving After Months

At this layer, the soul has developed its heart chakra enough to let go of these lower emotions naturally. Now the soul still has to do it consciously but the soul has matured enough that it only takes a few months to forgive others.

Layer 4- Forgiving After Weeks

Similar to the third layer, but instead of a few months, it’s only a few weeks. This is only because is able to identify its lower emotions and see how it’s weighing them down.

Layer 5- Forgiving After Days

Though in this layer the soul is still maturing and growing its heart chakra, it has experienced the effects of forgiveness. Because it has experienced these effects, the soul is then able to forgive and forget within a couple of days.

Layer 6- Forgiving After Hours

This layer is one that not everyone is able to do very often. But when something happens to offend the soul, both the front and back solar plexus chakra is erratic. When the soul has sat with those emotions and allowed the solar plexus chakra to work properly again, within a few hours the soul can forgive and forget. The emotions felt during this time are very valid though! Many think that being able to forgive within a short amount of time means that you’re crazy, but you’re not. The truth is that you’re not. Your soul is just able to identify and work on the things that weigh you down faster than others.

Layer 7- Forgiving Within Minutes

The 7th and final layer is the ultimate goal to be at. Now, this might seem to be impossible, but it is being able to forgive within minutes. This is done through time and just really knowing oneself extremely well. This is when someone is very in tune with their higher soul. By being able to forgive so quickly, the soul can be free mentally and emotionally. Also, one's physical health and rate of healing can increase by being able to forgive at this level.

How To Forgive

Now that you know the 7 Layers of Forgiveness, how can you forgive? Well, there are a couple of ways that you can forgive others. The quickest and most effective way of doing so is with love. I know that sounds super cheesy but when you think of it, the opposite of hate and resentment is love. By spreading love, the soul can forgive and forget those who have done it wrong. Now there are two other ways the soul can forgive and they both involve blessing the person or people who have offended them.

The first one that I do is extremely quick, is to imagine the group of people, or even the person who offended you, in the room with you. Look to them and put your hands together as if you were to pray and say “You are forgiven. God’s blessings and peace with me and with you. Forgiveness is therapeutic. Forgiving heals the soul.”- Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui. I do this typically right when someone does anything that offends me. I can then feel calm and continue with the day or even continue to be around this person for the day as well.

The second method is the Prayer of Forgiveness Technique. This is a technique taught in pranic healing and that I have been doing a lot more often. It has helped me and allowed me to move on from those who I never thought I could forgive. I also have used it to forgive myself as I’m not perfect and have had issues like self-hatred, lack of self-confidence, and depression. This has helped those things for me and now it’ll help you.

  • First, pray or invoke for Divine Blessing

  • Secondly, put your together over your heart (like you were to pray) and visualize it is whoever you want to forgive and say to yourself “Namaste, the presence of Divinity in me salutes the presence of Divinity in you. Namaste.”

  • Now still visualizing them whisper or say “We are all children of the Divine, we are all evolving. Evolution involves time, process, and lots of mistakes. I have had my process of mistakes and learned from them, so can you”

  • After saying this breathe in and be aware of your Heart and Crown Chakra and either whisper or say “Diving Peace and Love be with my soul. Divine Peace and love be with you. Namaste. You are completely forgiven. Go in peace. I release you.”

  • Then imagine them turning into brilliant white light and repeating the 2nd-4th step at least 4 times in a day.

  • If you know how to cut the cord that connects you two and say, “Thank you for being in my life and thank you for the lessons, I now let you go.”

  • If you don’t know how to cut the cord pray to a Deity or pray to Archangel Michael and ask them too. You can use this prayer and change Archangel Michael with whatever Deity of your choosing. “Archangel Michael I ask for your guidance and assistance in cutting the cord that connects me to (insert person's name). I have learned my lesson and have forgiven them. I now ask you to cut the cord that connects us and dispose of it in beautiful electric violet flame. Amen”

  • Give thanks to the Divine and live Mentally and Emotionally free.

  • Do this daily or weekly until you don’t harbor any lower emotions of the person.

These three ways are all great ways of forgiving and if you do the Meditation on Twin Hearts, make sure to bless them when blessing the earth. If you want to see a quick example of this technique being done you can click on this link to watch Master Co quickly go over this technique.

Many Blessings on Your Journey


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