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The Difference Between Pranic Healing and Reiki

It's no secret that Holistic Healing has a wide range of healing modalities, but in this blog, I want to focus on Pranic Healing and Reiki. Both of these would fall under the healing touch category that uses energy to help the body use its natural ability to heal itself. So what makes these two modalities of healing different? The biggest differences are going to be the healing process, classes, and certification. But why should you know the difference? Knowing the difference is important as it will help you decide which method is going to best serve you. So whether you are wanting to receive healing or wanting to become a student of one of these, this article should help you understand the differences between the two.

What a Typical Healing Session is Like

When it comes to Reiki, a practitioner will lightly place their hands on the client's body for a certain amount of time. While they are doing this they are using their intuition to understand what’s happening in the client's body and what may be causing their problems. The Practitioner will then draw in energy from the source and puts that energy into your body. This will then help the client's body use its natural ability to heal more efficiently. This would then conclude a typical reiki session but for Pranic Healing, a session would have a different approach.

Pranic Healing is a “cookbook” approach to healing and what this means is that the practitioner is using a protocol that is used for a specific ailment. This protocol is tested and perfected by the Grand Master by using thousands of case reports. Pranic Healing is also completely a No Touch way of healing. This means that a healer does not touch the physical body to heal a client. Now let's talk about what happens in a session. During a session, for about the first 30 minutes of the session is an interview. This is for the practitioner to understand what is going on in a client's life and to get as much information as possible about an ailment. The Practitioner then chooses a protocol or more to use during the session and then will proceed with the healing. This process is then broken down into scanning, cleaning, energizing, and stabilizing. Scanning is when the practitioner measures the body's Aura, Chakras, and any affected areas. Cleaning or also known as sweeping is the Practitioner removing the negative energy in the body, chakras, and affected areas. Once the sweeping is done, the practitioner will then energize. Energizing is when the practitioner puts fresh Prana in the area for the body to heal. Lastly, they stabilize, this is when the practitioner stops the fresh Prana from leaving the body or aura. There is a bit more to the sessions but these are the things that a Pranic Healer does mostly during a session.

As you can see there is a common factor with these two. They both give energy to the client's body. This energy is then used to help the body have the energy to naturally help the body's process of healing. This is because the body already knows how to heal itself. This is taught in both Reiki and Pranic Healing. This leads us to the next subject of the classes because the training a healer goes through should be known when deciding which is best for you.

The Classes and Certification Process

When taking Reiki classes, the goal for most is to become a Reiki Master. To become a Reiki Master you should start by going to your first class. During the first class you learn what reiki is, the history of reiki, how to meditate, Breathing and Grounding techniques, 7 chakra points, the 5 principles of reiki, self-healing hand positions, and then have your attunement. Then level 2 and 3 is where you will learn more advanced techniques of reiki. After about a year from your first class and taking the other 2 listed you are then able to take the Reiki Master Certification class. After having the certification you will then be able to teach Reiki to others as well.

When learning Pranic Healing you will learn what Pranic Healing is, the history, and how it can be applied to your life. Then the rest of the class you will learn energetic hygiene, the 11 chakras, how to scan, clean, energize, stabilize energy, divine healing, distance healing, meditation on twin hearts, and more. After taking the first class you should know how to heal yourself and others. If you are wanting to become a Certified Pranic Healer this will require more training though. This training will start with your Associate Certification which requires you to take Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy after level 1. You will also need to have 25 healing cases approved by your mentor and then complete the course. After the associate, you can start the certification process. This will require classes Pranic Crystal Healing, Psychic Self Defense, Arhatic Yoga, and the certification course. You also need 50 healing cases approved by a mentor and to pass the exam that’s part of the course. From there you can continue to get Pranic Psychotherapist Certification and take the courses to become an instructor.

As you see both require a person learning to take multiple classes to become either certified or a master. But the biggest difference is that Pranic Healing can take a longer time than Reiki, as you do need to take in total 6 classes, 2 courses, Arhatic Yoga, and to have in total 75 cases of healings to be certified. Where Reiki requires one year of training and in total 4 classes to become a master. Both are great modalities to learn though and have amazing results. If you are stuck on figuring out which is best for you to get healing from, I would continue to do research and maybe try both. This is because both healing modalities have been having great results for their clients.

Which Do I Prefer?

If it were up to me I would go with Pranic Healing for both as a client and student. The reasoning is because as a client, it is completely no-touch. I am not the best with people touching my body and with Covid-19, Pranic Healing just sounds better. And when it comes to learning one, I would go with Pranic Healing again because the classes are extensive and require a lot of work on the student's side. From personal experience on the student side, Reiki didn’t answer the questions I was seeking. In my first level, I had a lot of medical questions and was asking why these worked on a medical level. My teacher wasn’t able to answer those questions and said that I should continue my education to get those answers. I also didn’t like touching another person that I didn’t know. But when taking my first Pranic Healing Class, the medical questions I had were answered either by the teacher or another classmate who was reviewing at the time who is a registered nurse. So having those questions answered made me more confident that what I was learning could be trusted more. But as a Pranic Healer, I am biased and you should take what my opinion is as a grain of salt. I highly encourage you to take your own steps in discovering which is best for you.


If learning Reiki is something you want you can go to to find one near you.

If learning more about Pranic Healing is something you want, you can go to to find classes near you.

If you're looking for a Pranic Healing session you can go to to book now.

Many Blessing on your Journey


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